self care for men Kelowna
Visit us at The Recovery Spa and learn more about Chronic Pain Management in Kelowna and through the Okanagan with our experts.
self care for men Kelowna
Visit us at The Recovery Spa and learn more about Chronic Pain Management in Kelowna and through the Okanagan with our experts.
High Performance Kelowna
What if you could access the same tools that the NFL, NBA, NHL, Premier League, PGA and more use to perform at their best? Kelowna now you can! The Recovery Spa is the first dedicated recovery facility offering these premium recovery technologies in all of Canada.
Better Circulation Kelowna
An air-compression massage that will leave you feeling lighter and fresher than anything you’ve ever experienced. Call us to know more about our air compression leg massager in Kelowna.
Circulation Boost Kelowna
Sunlighten Not all-Infrared Technology is Equal Sunlighten's far infrared technology, Solocarbon, is the only infrared sauna heater on the market clinically shown to raise core temperature nearly 3 degrees.
Natural Anti Aging Skin Care Kelowna
Are you looking for natural ways to decrease the fine lines and wrinkles? Are you interested in finding ways to keep your body from showing the signs of aging? Here at The Recovery Spa we specialize in using cutting edge non-invasive wellness technology to help our bodies naturally rejuvenate and repair.